Rosegal Winter Review/ Rosegal Zimska Porudžbina - Minnie Art
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Monday, January 14, 2019

Rosegal Winter Review/ Rosegal Zimska Porudžbina

ENG: Hello my friends. Welcome to my blog!
My package from Rosegal has arrived recently and I want to show you everything that I received. I waited for the package a longer than usual.
Let me show you what I received:
SRB: Pozdrav svima, Dobrodošli na moj blog!
Moj paket sa Rosegal je upravo stigao i želim da vam pokažem šta sam sve dobila. Paket sam čekala duže nego inače.
Da vam pokažem šta sam dobila:

1. Long Sleeved High Collar Sweater
ENG: Firstly I want to show you my favorite piece from this package.  This sweater looks the same as the pictures on the site. The color is actually the same as the pictures on the site and the quality is ok. I wear it usually for a gym and it's great for running. This is an M size.
SRBPrvo želim da vam pokažem moj omiljeni komad iz ovog paketa. Ova dukserica izgleda isto kao na slikama sa sajta. Boja je ista kao na fotografijama i kvalitet je ok. Obično ga nosim u teretanu, odličan je za trčanje. Ovo je M veličina.

2. Long Sleeve Loose Hoody
ENG: Secondly I want to show you another sweater. This sweater is ok, the color is the same in the pictures. The sweatshirt is a bit shorter, I expected it to be longer, you can see in the pictures. This is an M size. It's good for running, gym and for every day. If you think that you buy it, be sure to take two larger numbers. This piece is out of stock now.
 SRB:Drugo želim da vam pokažem još jednu duksericu. Dukserica je ok, boja je ista kao na fotografiji. Malo je kraća, očekivala sam da će biti duža, možete to da vidite na slikama. Ovo je M veličina. Dobra je za trčanje, teretanu i za svaki dan. Ako želite da je kupite, obavezno uzmite za dva broja veću duksericu nego što inače nosite. Dukserice trenutno nema na stanju.

3. Two Tone Halter Neck Sports Bra
ENG: I brought one more piece for the gym and running and that is a sports bra. This bra is good, looks same on the pictures on the site. Size is good, this is an M size. The material is okay, but it could be a little thicker.
SRB: Poručila sma još jedan komad garderobe za teretanu i trčanje, u pitanju je sportski brus. Veličina je dobra, u pitanju je M veličina. Materijal je okej, ali bi mogao da bude malo deblji.

4. Faux Leather Tassel Shoulder Bag
ENG: For the end, I want to show you shoulder bag. I brought this bag for my mom. This bag is good, looks the same on the pictures on the site. The color is same, the quality is okay for this price. The bag can be ordered even in gray and black color.
SRB: Na kraju želim da vam pokažem torbu na rame koju sam poručila za mamu.  Torba je dobra, izgleda isto kao na slikama sa sajta. Boja je ista i kvalitet je dobar s obzirom na cenu. Torbu možete da poručite i u sivoj i crnoj boji.

ENG: I hope you enjoyed reading and like this post. Make sure to check out the Deal sale for more beautiful cheap items! 
SRBNadam se da ste uživali čitajući ovaj post i da vam se dopao. Budite sigurni da ste proverili Deal Sale sajt za još mnogo prelepih sniženih stvari!

Use code:RGBF1 with 25% discount:
Over 10usd, save 2.5usd; Over 20usd, save 5usd; Over 30usd, save 7.5usd; Over 40usd ,save 10usd; Over 50usd, save 12.5usd; Over 60usd, save 15usd; Over 70usd, save 17.5usd; Over 80usd, save 20usd; Over 90usd, save 22.5usd; Over 100usd, save 25usd;Over 110usd, save 27.5usd; Over 120usd, save 30usd; Over 130usd, save 32.5usd; Over 140usd, save 35usd;

Pinterest: @minniearts

Thank you, see you in the next post!
Hvala vam, vidimo se u sledećem postu!

Minnie Art
Comment Using!!


  1. Thanks for your sharing 😊 I loved picture 1😊

  2. ótima loja, bela resenha!

  3. Baš si lepe stvari izabrala, torba mi se najviše sviđa.

  4. Muy buenas compras, seguro que a tu madre le encanta el bolso. Abrazos

  5. Oi, ótimas roupas para ginástica! São lindas. Amei seu post ^-^

    Jardim de Palavras

  6. I liked all!!
    Rosegal is a great store :)

    1. Thank you dear, I agree with you! 🙂
      Have a nice day!

  7. Super haul, druga dukserica mi se bas svida.

  8. Hello Mina! How are you?

    I love the clothes and the bag. When we buy something of another state or country is so hard to choose a size because we don't know if it will fit the same.

    Love your post <3



    1. Thank you Tham, I'm great. :)
      I agree with you for a cothes size.
      Have a great day!

  9. Post je super. Stvarčice koje si narucila mi se jako dopadaju, pogotovo mi se sviđa prva dukserica.❤️

  10. Duksevi su preslatkiii. Definitivno moj omiljeni komad odece 😍 Super post ❤

    Novi post---
