How I edit my photos - Photoshop + Lightroom / Kako sređujem moje fotografije - Photoshop + Lightroom - Minnie Art
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Sunday, June 17, 2018

How I edit my photos - Photoshop + Lightroom / Kako sređujem moje fotografije - Photoshop + Lightroom

ENG: Hello my friends. Welcome to my blog!
In this post, I will show you how I effectively use Photoshop and Lightroom to make all my photos Instagram worthy. I finished the basic study of "applied photography" in college so I know a bit about a programming, editing and photography. Let me show you how I use these wonderful programs.

1. Adobe Lightroom 
First off, I start with Adobe Lightroom to make changes with lights and add more effects to colors. Sometimes, I like to play with the colors of the light and I really enjoy adding numerous sun rays. I also like to make certain colors pop which adds a majestic effect to my photos.

2. Adobe Photoshop 
After I'm done with editing in Lightroom, I move on to Adobe Photoshop to correct some minor details or maybe add a bit more effects. If it's necessary I often crop pictures or adjust them to make them straight. I usually correct models' faces to make their skin smooth and acne free. 

I like to combine these two programs. It's a lot of fun to edit pictures in both of them and there are the most effective when they are combined.  Soon there will be more posts about this topic... 
Here I will show you my before and after picture, enjoy the view:

SRB: Pozdrav svima, Dobrodošli na moj blog. 
U ovom postu ću vam pokazati kako efikasno koristitim Photoshop i Lightroom da sve moje fotografije postanu bolje za Instgram promociju. Završila sam osnovne studije "Primenjene fotografiije", tako da znam dosta i o programiranju, fotografiji i o njihovom uređivanju. Želim da vam pokažem kako korisitim ove divne programe.

1. Adobe Lightroom 
Prvo editovanje započinjem sa ovim ovim programom. U Lightroom-u volim da pravim promene sa svetlom i da dodajem efekte bojama. Ponekad volim da se igram sa bojama svetlosti i stvarno uživam u dodavanju brojnih sunčevih zraka kada je to potrebno. Takođe volim da pojačam određene boje na fotografiji što daje odličan efekat.

2. Adobe Photoshop 
Kada završim sa uređivanjem u Lightroomu, prelazim sa Fotošop da ispravim neke manje detalje ili možda da dodam malo više efekta. Ukoliko je to neophodno često malo isečem slike ili ih prilagodim da se isprave. Obično u njemu uređujem lice modela kako bi bilo glatko i kako bih sklonila bubuljice i razne nedostatke.

Volim da kombinujem ova dva programa. Zabavno je uređivati slike u oba programa, ali je najefikasnije kada se kombinuju. Uskoro očekujte više postova vezanih za ovu temu.  
Želim da vam pokažem kako izgleda fotografija pre i posle uređivanja, uživajte:



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Pinterest: @minniearts
Facebook: @Minniearts

Thank you, see you in next post!
Hvala, vidimo se u sledećem postu!
Minnie Art


  1. The huge difference is before and after. I love it. Keep it on!!

  2. I love the before and after picture! I am looking forward to your Photoshop lessons!

  3. Hi dear. This photo is just stunning! <3 I´ve just followed your blog too. Thanks a lot for liking mine.

  4. It was cool to see how you edit your photos!!

  5. Hello,

    Thanks so much for your visit, I'm following your blog too :)

    I love Photoshop, its what I use in my photos :)

    Have a great week, kisses <3

  6. Such a beautiful photo, I'm not the greatest with photography but do my best. Thanks for following, will do the same.

  7. Beautiful pic that after one...i followed you back :)

  8. Nice jumpsuits. I like it...

    Tnx for visit and I am follow you back <3

  9. amazing :D I followed you back my dear :) I love editing with lightroom too

  10. hello, thanks for visiting, I'm following :)

  11. Great tips dear. Thanks for following. I m following you back 😊

  12. Great tips!
    I'm following the blog, kisses

  13. Dobar post, hvala. Ogromna je razlika pre i posle. Koristim ponekad Photoshop, Lightroom nisam probala ali imam u planu posto vidim da dosta moze da poboljsa svetlo.

    1. Hvala draga. Lightroom je odličan, posebno je dobar za dodavanje svetla fotografiji. Probaj ga obavezno :)

  14. Hello, the second photo is amazing! For my blog I use Gimp, it's free and you can make lots of things :-)

    1. Hello,
      Thank you for visiting. :)
      I don't know for Gimp, but I will see. Thank you. :)
      Have a nice day!
